New Chair/Chairman of the YLTA (Yorkshire Tennis) sought
21st April 2022
• The YLTA is an unincorporated association of 158 tennis venues/clubs in Yorkshire and its purpose is to nurture their interests and through the process of funding initiatives, county training and fielding age related teams in national competitions. The most talented players are assisted to gain acceptance on the national Player Pathway.
• The present Chairman is stepping down at the end of 2022 having served the maximum term of 8 years. The LTA and all County Tennis Associations are in the process of updating their own governance frameworks as well as incorporating the relevant association into a limited by guarantee company or charity.
• It is desired that a new Chair (Designate) is appointed by the end of July 2022 so that he/she may be fully involved in this modernisation process and be ready to lead the organisation on 1st January 2023.
• As part of the process of “Opening up tennis” and making the sport truly inclusive, the YLTA welcomes all candidates from as broad a range of backgrounds as possible.
• The range of activities, governance framework and all other activities of the YLTA can be found at
• This is an exciting time for tennis in Yorkshire and the new Chair/Chairman would be leading a motivated and successful team.
Person Sought and Time Commitment Required
• The position is voluntary, and expenses will be paid in accordance with YLTA policy.
• A role description along with the skills and experience desired is attached.
• The average time commitment required is typically 4+ hours split over a week with evening meetings up to 9 times a year. A significant percentage of the work can be carried at a time of the Chair’s discretion.
• Meetings are held both virtually and in-person.
• A self-employed administrator assists the Chair arranging meetings, agendas, minutes and general duties and correspondence.
• The YLTA has set up a Nominations Committee to make this appointment which will require ratification by the YLTA Council. (After incorporation, such appointments will be made by the Board).
• Anyone interested can contact the present Chair for further details by sending an email to
• Applications are invited by 5pm 31st May 2022 to the present Chair.
• A shortlist of candidates will be invited to attend a virtual interview on a date to be specified in June.
• An in-person interview will be held on a date to be agreed for the final (two) candidate(s).
• The nomination of the recommended candidate will go forward to the YLTA Council for approval on 18th July 2022.